Trip to Leogane
The trip to Leogane began Sunday morning with the car being late. We were supposed
to meet at 9am at Epi D’or, a bakery on Rue Delma, about half-way up the hill from
downtown Port au Prince toward Petionville. We usually meet there because it is
a convenient place between where I live and where the other people were coming
from, and Epi D’or makes great sandwiches which we buy to eat on whatever
journey we have planned.

these are very crowded and can be hot and uncomfortable. But today, there were
just three of us in the back and some large buckets of rice and beans, an ice
chest, cases of soda and small bags of “DLO” – water. It turned out to be a
wonderful way for me to travel. There was a constant breeze (although it
usually carried exhaust fumes from diesel trucks and cars badly in need of maintenance,
and road dust.) and there was a great view out the back of everything we passed
first, as we descended to the coast road, we came through crowded streets with
Marchands, motocycles weaving in and out, large water trucks blocking the way, and
tap-taps like our own (we’d have to wave off people who wanted to board our truck),
and we passed shops of every sort. One shop had a sign that read “Swimming
Pools –Exterminator” which left me wondering.
main road used to be filled with tents that got set up right after the quake. The
6 foot wide strip down the middle of the street had been “home” to thousands.
But now it was clean and there were even some flowering shrubbery. The route
got closer to the bay and I could see the blue water of Port au Prince harbor
and occasional hotels with “plag” meaning beaches.
there would be a speed bump, for reasons I couldn’t discover, which made us
slow down and which made us targets for people selling food and sodas to the
somewhat captive audience. I began to wonder whether the speed bumps were there
to force people to be available for the sellers. And sometimes there were
police checks – again I never figured out why. There is a sense that it is
police, with not much else to do, exercising authority.
we worked (and “worked” is the operative word) our way past the oil storage
tanks and into the suburbs of Carrefour and beyond, the sights became more
rural. Ram-shackled homes, vying for space with tiny shops – “JESUS MERCY COUFITEUR”,
– and large churches like “EBEN-EZER TEMPLE”, from which singing and loud
shouts of “ALLELUIA” could be heard. There were fields of sugar cane, some
barren fields with a few tethered cows and goats, and coconut and banana palms.
We turned off the main road onto a
bumpy side road along a deep ditch with wooden bridges (two tree trunks with
smaller branches nailed to them), and, on the other side, small houses, maybe
10 feet by 20 feet, made of cinderblock with corrugated steel roofs, sheltered
beneath numerous trees. Some of these were the homes of the children we were
visiting at the School in Leogane.

After we arrived and unpacked, the
children assembled and sang a song to welcome us. They had also drawn pictures
of flowers and boats for me, even though I am just a part of the team. They are
very happy to be in school AND they are getting very good grades. Today we had
brought rice and beans, chicken, tomatoes and lettuce and soda and water. Even though
there are only 22 children in our programs, other children from the school were
there so we fed about 45.
school consists of 6-8 20X30 foot cinderblock rooms with small windows and a
corrugated roof. There is no electricity, although I noticed two solar panels
near the entrance and several young men using laptops. I brought a solar
powered speaker system and my Kindle. I planned to play some varieties of
music, including “Peter and the Wolf” in French. But my trial run at the
orphanage the day before nixed “Pierre e La Lou”. Even the music I did put
together left them more or less un-impressed. My friend Jonathan reported later
that he heard them say in Kreyol; “Where did he get this Granmoun music” Fortunately
he had some Konpas, Rah Rah, and other pop music which pleased them – Ah the
generation gap!
For amusement, the boys kick around a soccer
ball (called football there)
with some great skill. Myrtha and I are looking to set up a real football field with goals and also get a volleyball net that could be used in the same space for the girls. And we want to use another area for a small but functional basket-ball court
with some great skill. Myrtha and I are looking to set up a real football field with goals and also get a volleyball net that could be used in the same space for the girls. And we want to use another area for a small but functional basket-ball court
began our departure, but before we pulled away, about 10 boys and girls climbed
into our TapTap to get a ride to their various homes. And then the director
loaded his bicycle in and climbed in himself. Oh well, the motto is: How many
people can you fit in a TapTap? – Just one more.

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